释义 |
Residue ClassThe residue classes of a function mod are all possible values of the Residue . For example, the residue classes of (mod 6) are , since are all the possible residues. A Complete Residue System is a set of integers containing one element from eachclass, so in this case, would be a Complete Residue System for (mod 6), as would , etc.
The residue classes prime to form a Group under the binary multiplication operation (mod ), where is the Totient Function (Shanks 1993) and the Group is classed a Modulo Multiplication Group. See also Complete Residue System, Congruence, Cubic Number, Quadratic Reciprocity Theorem,Quadratic Residue, Residue (Congruence), Square Number References
Shanks, D. Solved and Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 4th ed. New York: Chelsea, p. 56 and 59-63, 1993.