释义 |
Steenrod AlgebraThe Steenrod algebra has to do with the Cohomology operations in singular Cohomology with Integer mod2 Coefficients. For every and there are naturaltransformations of Functors
satisfying:- 1.
for . - 2.
for all and all pairs . - 3.
. - 4. The
maps commute with the coboundary maps in the long exact sequence of a pair. In other words,
is a degree transformation of cohomology theories. - 5. (Cartan Relation)
- 6. (Adem Relations) For
- 7.
where is the cohomology suspension isomorphism.
The existence of these cohomology operations endows the cohomology ring with the structure of a Module over theSteenrod algebra , defined to be , where is the free module functor that takes any set and sends it to the free module overthat set. We think of as being a graded module, where the -th gradation is given by . This makes the tensor algebra into a Graded Algebra over . is the Ideal generated by the elements and for . This makes into a graded algebra.
By the definition of the Steenrod algebra, for any Space , is a Module over theSteenrod algebra , with multiplication induced by . With the above definitions,cohomology with Coefficients in the Ring , is a Functorfrom the category of pairs of Topological Spaces to graded modules over . See also Adem Relations, Cartan Relation, Cohomology, Graded Algebra, Ideal, Module,Topological Space