单词 | CLEAN Algorithm | ||||||
释义 | CLEAN AlgorithmAn iterative algorithm which Deconvolves a sampling function (the ``Dirty Beam'') from anobserved brightness (``Dirty Map'') of a radio source. This algorithm is of fundamental importance in radioastronomy, where it is used to create images of astronomical sources which are observed using arrays of radio telescopes(``synthesis imaging The basic CLEAN method was developed by Högbom (1974). It was originally designed for point sources, but it has beenfound to work well for extended sources as well when given a reasonable starting model. The Högbom CLEAN constructsdiscrete approximations
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The CLEAN algorithm starts with an initial approximation
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() To diminish high spatial frequency features which may be spuriously extrapolated from the measured data, each CLEAN componentis convolved with the so-called CLEAN Beam
CLEAN will always converge to one (of possibly many) solutions if the following three conditions are satisfied (Schwarz1978):
These conditions are almost always satisfied in practice. If the number of CLEAN components does not exceed the number ofindependent Poor modulation of short spacings results in an underestimation of the flux, which is manifested in a bowl of negativesurface brightness surrounding an object. Providing an estimate of the ``zero spacing'' flux (the total flux of the source,which cannot be directly measured by an interferometer) can considerably reduce thiseffect. Modulations or stripes can occur at spatial frequencies corresponding to undersampled parts of the In order to CLEAN a map of a given dimension, it is necessary to have a beam pattern twice as large so a point source canbe subtracted from any point in the map. Because the CLEAN algorithm uses a Fast Fourier Transform, the size mustalso be a Power of 2. There are many variants of the basic Högbom CLEAN which extend the method to achieve greater speed and produce morerealistic maps. Alternate nonlinear Deconvolution methods, such as the Maximum Entropy Method, may also be used, but aregenerally slower than the CLEAN technique. The Astronomical Image Processing Software (AIPS) of the National RadioAstronomical Observatory includes 2-D Deconvolution algorithms in the tasks DCONV and UVMAP. Among thevariants of the basic Högbom CLEAN are Clark, Cornwell smoothness stabilized (Prussian helmet), Cotton-Schwab,Gerchberg-Saxton (Fienup), Steer, Steer-Dewdney-Ito, and van Cittert iteration. In the Clark (1980) modification, CLEAN picks out only the largest residual points, and subtracts approximate point sourceresponses in the The Cornwell smoothness stabilized variant was developed because, when dealing with two-dimensional extended structures,CLEAN can produce artifacts in the form of low-level high frequency stripes running through the brighter structure. Thesestripes derive from poor interpolations into unsampled or poorly sampled regions of the The theory underlying the Cornwell smoothness stabilized algorithm is given by Cornwell (1982, 1983), where it is describedas the smoothness stabilized CLEAN. It is implemented in the AIPS tasks APCLN and MX. The spike performs aNegative feedback into the dirty image, thus suppressing features not required by the data. Spike heights of a fewpercent and lower than usual loop gains are usually needed. Also according to the MX documentation, ![]() Unfortunately, the addition of a Prussian helmet generally has ``limited success,'' so resorting to another deconvolutionmethod such as the Maximum Entropy Method is sometimes required. The Cotton-Schwab uses the Clark method, but the major cycle subtractions of CLEAN components are performed on ungriddedvisibility data. The Cotton-Schwab technique is often faster than the Clark variant. It is also capable ofincluding the The Gerchberg-Saxton variant, also called the Fienup variant, is a technique originally introduced for solving the phaseproblem in electron microscopy. It was subsequently adapted for visibility amplitude measurements only. AGerchberg-Saxton map is constrained to be Nonzero, and positive. Data and image plane constraints are imposed alternatelywhile transforming to and from the image plane. If the boxes to CLEAN are chosen to surround the source snugly, then thealgorithm will converge faster and will have more chance of finding a unique image. The algorithm is slow, but should becomparable to the Clark technique (APCLN) if the map contains many picture elements. However, the resolution is datadependent and varies across the map. It is implemented as the AIPS task APGS (Pearson 1984). The Steer variant is a modification of the Clark variant (Cornwell 1982). It is slow, but should becomparable to the Clark algorithm if the map contains many picture elements. The algorithm used in the program is due toDavid Steer. The principle is similar to Barry Clark's CLEAN except that in the minor cycle only points above the (trimlevel) The Steer-Dewdney-Ito variant is similar to the Clark variant, but the components are taken as all pixels having residualflux greater than a cutoff value times the current peak residual. This method should avoid the ``ripples'' produced by the standardCLEAN on extended emission. The AIPS task SDCLN does an AP-based CLEAN of the Clark type, but differs from APCLN in that it offers the option to switch to the Steer-Dewdney-Ito method. Finally, van Cittert iteration consists of two steps:
Christiansen, W. N. and Högbom, J. A. Radiotelescopes, 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 214-216, 1985. Clark, B. G. ``An Efficient Implementation of the Algorithm `CLEAN'.'' Astron. Astrophys. 89, 377-378, 1980. Cornwell, T. J. ``Can CLEAN be Improved?'' VLA Scientific Memorandum No. 141, 1982. Cornwell, T. J. ``Image Restoration (and the CLEAN Technique).'' Lecture 9. NRAO VLA Workshop on Synthesis Mapping, p. 113, 1982. Cornwell, T. J. ``A Method of Stabilizing the CLEAN Algorithm.'' Astron. Astrophys. 121, 281-285, 1983. Cornwell, T. and Braun, R. ``Deconvolution.'' Ch. 8 in Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy: Third NRAO Summer School, 1988 (Ed. R. A. Perley, F. R. Schwab, and A. H. Bridle). San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, pp. 178-179, 1989. Högbom, J. A. ``Aperture Synthesis with a Non-Regular Distribution of Interferometric Baselines.'' Astron. Astrophys. Supp. 15, 417-426, 1974. National Radio Astronomical Observatory. Astronomical Image Processing Software (AIPS) software package. APCLN, MX, and UVMAP tasks. Pearson, T. J. and Readhead, A. C. S. ``Image Formation by Self-Calibration in Radio Astronomy.'' Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 22, 97-130, 1984. Schwarz, U. J. ``Mathematical-Statistical Description of the Iterative Beam Removing Technique (Method CLEAN).'' Astron. Astrophys. 65, 345-356, 1978. Tan, S. M. ``An Analysis of the Properties of CLEAN and Smoothness Stabilized CLEAN--Some Warnings.'' Mon. Not. Royal Astron. Soc. 220, 971-1001, 1986. Thompson, A. R.; Moran, J. M.; and Swenson, G. W. Jr. Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy. New York: Wiley, p. 348, 1986. |
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