

单词 Linearly Dependent Functions

Linearly Dependent Functions

The functions , , ..., are linearly dependent if, for some , , ..., not all zero,


(where Einstein Summation is used) for all in some interval . If the functions are not linearly dependent,they are said to be linearly independent. Now, if the functions , we can differentiate (1) upto times. Therefore, linear dependence also requires



where the sums are over , ..., . These equations have a nontrivial solution Iff the Determinant

where the Determinant is conventionally called the Wronskian and is denoted . Ifthe Wronskian for any value in the interval , then the only solution possible for (2) is (, ..., ), and the functions are linearly independent. If, on the other hand, for a range, thefunctions are linearly dependent in the range. This is equivalent to stating that if the vectors ,..., defined by

are linearly independent for at least one , then the functions are linearly independent in .


Sansone, G. ``Linearly Independent Functions.'' §1.2 in Orthogonal Functions, rev. English ed. New York: Dover, pp. 2-3, 1991.





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