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Smooth NumberAn Integer is -smooth if it has no Prime Factors . The probability that a randomPositive Integer is -smooth is , where is the number of -smooth numbers . This fact is important in application of Kraitchik's extension of Fermat's Factorization Method becauseit is related to the number of random numbers which must be examined to find a suitable subset whose product is a square.
Since about -smooth numbers must be found (where is the Prime Counting Function), the number ofrandom numbers which must be examined is about . But because it takes about steps to determine if anumber is -smooth using Trial Division, the expected number of steps needed to find a subset of numbers whose product isa square is (Pomerance 1996). Canfield et al. (1983) showed that this function is minimizedwhen
and that the minimum value is about
In the Continued Fraction Factorization Algorithm, can be taken as , but in Fermat'sFactorization Method, it is . is an estimate for the largest Prime in the Factor Base(Pomerance 1996). References
Canfield, E. R.; Erdös, P.; and Pomerance, C. ``On a Problem of Oppenheim Concerning `Factorisation Numerorum.''' J. Number Th. 17, 1-28, 1983.Pomerance, C. ``On the Role of Smooth Numbers in Number Theoretic Algorithms.'' In Proc. Internat. Congr. Math., Zürich, Switzerland, 1994, Vol. 1 (Ed. S. D. Chatterji). Basel: Birkhäuser, pp. 411-422, 1995. Pomerance, C. ``A Tale of Two Sieves.'' Not. Amer. Math. Soc. 43, 1473-1485, 1996.